The Orlando Project

The Orlando website can definitely be considered a useful digital resource when looking at the topic of English literature and the role women played in it. The format of the website is really what makes it seem accessible to people who want to learn about the subject matter being presented. It functions almost like Wikipedia, in that you can use a search engine and it provides a list of examples relating to the topic you searched. The fact that it the information being provided comes from academically reputable sources makes the site reliable and easy to use.

That being said, Orlando is only focused on one topic in world history and it leaves out information on other authors outside of Britain that could be of importance when doing research. Despite the narrow view in terms of subject matter, there is more then enough content in the database. The concept of the Orlando Project is what make it a useful digital resource, but if the same idea was applied to a more general topic in history it would be a more practical website. For a student at Guelph, Orlando would be useful but most likely would only be used for a few classes. That is Orlando’s only limitation, otherwise it seems like a practical and academically respectable source for research information.

One thought on “The Orlando Project

  1. it is a specific database for detailed research – how do you think it would change how people research British women writers?

    I’m also interested that you compared it to Wikipedia. After reading the introduction and trying the case studies, did you still have this impression?

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